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Définition de accordance

Nom commun

Accord. (Spécialement) Accord, convention de paix.

Nom commun

(Géologie) (Généralement) Tendance au parallélisme généré par compressions tectoniques de deux couches discordantes. (Géologie) Concordance locale entre deux couches, ou de deux ensembles, qui sont régionalement en discordance stratigraphiquement.

Synonyme de accordance

5 synonymes de 'accordance'

accord , concordance , conformité , correspondance , harmonie .

Antonyme de accordance

0 antonymes de 'accordance'

Citations comportant accordance

Exemples de traduction français anglais contenant accordance

In accordance with the order of reference of October 6, 1998, your committee has considered Bill C-53, an act to increase the availability of financing for the establishment, expansion, modernization and improvement of small businesses and has agreed to report it with amendments. In accordance with the order of reference of October 6, 1998, your committee has considered Bill C-53, an act to increase the availability of financing for the establishment, expansion, modernization and improvement of small businesses and has agreed to report it with amendments.

In accordance with the order of reference of October 6, 1998, your committee has considered Bill C-53, an act to increase the availability of financing for the establishment, expansion, modernization and improvement of small businesses and has agreed to report it with amendments.